
Data analytics agency

Your Subscription to Data-Driven Success.
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We provide reporting solutions using #1 Business Intelligence tool MS Power BI

Subscribe to a plan & request as many tasks done as you’d like.

Receive the work within two business days on average.

We’ll revise the work until you’re 100% satisfied.

Totally async

Don't like meetings? We don't either; so much so that we've outlawed them completely.

Manage with Trello

Manage your design board using Trello. View active, queued and completed tasks with ease.

Invite your team

Invite your entire team, so anyone can submit requests and track their progress.

Membership benefits

Perks so good you'll never need to go anywhere else for your design. Seriously.


Subscribe to a plan & submit as many requests as you’d like.

Lightning fast delivery

Get your requests done one at a time in just a few days on average.

Fixed monthly rate

No surprises here! Pay the same fixed price each month.

Top-notch quality

Insane quality at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Flexible and scalable

Scale up or down as needed, and pause or cancel at anytime.

Unique and all yours

Each of your requests is made especially for you and is 100% yours.

Totally async

Don't like meetings? We don't either; so much so that we've outlawed them completely.

Manage with Trello

Manage your design board using Trello. View active, queued and completed tasks with ease.

Invite your team

Invite your entire team, so anyone can submit requests and track their progress.